Neurodiverse, Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity, Neurotypical; as our...
Sleep – why is it so difficult?
Sleep Hygiene 101 – Calm the mind, ditch the gadgets, relax…
People Pleasing – What is it? Why do we do it?
Too often we receive faulty messages in childhood that lead us to become people pleasers.
What’s the state of your CPU?
You know the phrase ‘don’t believe everything you hear’?
Well don’t believe everything you think either.
Masking: What is it and might I be doing it?
No one should have to be a version of themselves that is uncomfortable for them.
The Nervous System
…the criticism that we sometimes experience is a reflection of the outside world rather than a reflection of ourselves.
Celebrating Neurodiversity
We all deserve to feel ok, some days better than others for sure, but ok is important, wellbeing matters.
Diversity: A Matter of Size
Neurodivergent people are simply ‘other sized footers’. Not less than, not broken, just different.
Neurodiversity: Unlocking the power of difference
History has inaccurately defined Neurodivergence as disordered.